Where Are You Seeing Hope-Filled “Movement”?

Melt-water is running and I’m thrilled!
I’m naming this movement as “hope-filled”.
Winter end in sight,
With more hours of light.
But cold yet to come is still strong-willed.

Where are you seeing hope-filled “movement”?

I just came in from a walk outside.
Forty-five degrees out there!

For weeks, — no, — months now,
My walks have been in long hallways of our building.
Great resource — level surface, no ice, no coat required.
I’m so glad for the option.

Today outside, there were sheets of melt-water.
Water running under edges of piled, packed snow,
In the street beyond gutters.

Two places I saw a person chipping back ice-edges,
Making channels for more water to move.
Interesting that each was a woman.
I wonder if each is as saturated with winter
As I am feeling.

When we lived in our house,
On those days when water started to move,
I would go to the street with my shovel or ice chopper.

Perhaps, my chipping to widen a “waterway”,
Was to acknowledge that our movement out of winter
Would come.

I know that with tomorrow’s temperature drop,
Those “sheets of water” will be smooth, slick ice
Across the pavement.

Today though — that water movement
Is hope-filled for me.


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"