Where Have You Gotten HELP Recently?

When life overwhelms you with some task,
Best not to pretend with some stiff mask
That covers your need.
When really your deed
Is getting some help with your brave ask.

Where have you gotten HELP recently?

This week had a “put your money where your mouth is” time.
Or call it “make your action match your words”.

When I talk to groups, I talk about how
Absolutely IMPORTANT it is to “Ask For Help.”
I believe that, and know help moves you forward in your journey.
Still …

I’ve been mixed-up on some computer “how-to” things.
How to find something within a group.
How to make my on-line presence known.
How to participate in the class I was taking.
How /where to answer a question posed by the teacher.

It has felt awful!
I’ve been embarrassed that I didn’t remember
How-to directions that had been patiently told to me.
Things were getting—
No—I got to place of feeling frantic.

Didn’t make any sense;
I have excellent help within my condo building!
My self-talk confirmed that I would be imposing.
I would show up as inept.
I would be humiliated.

Finally—finally—I asked for help.
Guess what?
Help was given generously.
Help was given with patience.
Help was given with clear guidance.
I had what I needed to continue my journey.

When you hear the suggestion/ admonition
“Ask for help in your life,”
Know that that is meant for You,
In those times that you need it.

At some time, everybody needs some help.
There is no shame, or failure in that.
Be Very Brave and ask for the help you need.
Be Very Brave and receive the help that is offered.

That’s my pitch.
I know it is true —
I’m feeling much better.


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"