​Where is Your Color-Zest Coming From These Days?

When missing some color that brings zest,
Figure out some splash for a home test.
​Dazzling your eyes.
A color surprise,
Color-filled recovery of your “best”.

​Where is your color-zest coming from these days?

I realize I’ve been craving color.
Out-my-window-view color, I guess.

I was in our “Used- A – Bit” shop —
Place where useable home items are donated
When folks down-size a room, or whole home, contents.
Amazing surplus many of us have collected & are shedding.

When I headed to check-out counter,
I was carrying,
Brightly colored paper,
Colored pencils,
Puzzle with brilliant bands of color — made up of toy cars.

Puzzle is a usual purchase for me.
Bright paper & colored pencils ???
“Fuel” for some fun, creative project ???

It may be that I will just soak up
Flashes of bright color
Fanned out in a corner, which I will view.
No requirement here, just

We have glistening snow,
Sculptural bare branches.
Sometimes sharp contrast,
Blue and white,
Sky and snow, on a sunny day.

I AM noticing and appreciating.
Just sparkling in some color-zest for a few days.


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"