What Holiday Season Task Do You Dread?

I’m from an era when Christmas cards or letters, —
Absolutely required;
Especially from Bob’s heritage.

Mailings now are scaled back from
Our early years.
Still, its season’s task that I resist.

I follow through address box
From A –>Z,
Close envelopes, stick stamps, drop into postal slot.
Whew! done even though not favorite task.

Now — our mailbox, which usually holds “throw-aways”,
Has mailings from others who have done that same task.
I am delighted to know of their lives,
And that they have thought of us!

I’ll picture our holiday-season posts
Bringing a similar response.
That shifts my view of those letters, envelopes, stamps
We send.

I’m naming them a “shared gift”.
Total change in how I view that task.

I’ll make a note for next year.


I go through the box with each address
Resistant and grumpy, I confess.
Yet messages kind,
Remind me, I find
Shared messages, — gifts from the process.

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"