I Felt Like Dancing Around the Displays!

Brilliant, splashing, riotous colors of Marimekko fabric,
Morphed into whimsical toys, bags, & more;
Bold with bright visual energy —
Truly, it made me want to dance.

When I was a kid, I used to dance in grocery store aisles.
What else was that omnipresent music for?
Mama would tell me to “stop that!”.
Sometimes I could.

I love going to Margaret’s “Banbury Cross”.
The well-ordered showroom
Is a feast of color.
It’s a welcome bright spot in greyness of this time of year.

I’m trying hard to open my eyes — and ears.
(I’ll add, to open my heart,)
To bright spots.

Some have big sounds and color,
Some a quiet gentleness that nearly matches the grey.
Still — there they are.

On days that I hurriedly move through,
I seldom will notice the real view.
When I open “me”,
To take time, I’ll see
Bright spots to lighten up a greyish hue.


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Margaret Smith - December 15, 2021

I love all the colors of the fabrics! I ended up looking up what Marimekko fabrics are, and it makes sense that it’s Finnish and in Minnesota! They are so much fun.
Does Margaret have a website? Just wondering.

I hope you and Bob are well as the days are getting shorter!


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