Grey Days

Do you struggle with grey days?

Wednesday, January 13, 2021.

Hello My Friend,

What brightness shows up in your grey?

This MN week has had consecutive days of grey.
Mornings with fog hanging heavy, 
As I look out.

Grey days are hard for me,
Damping down my optimism.
Canceling out thoughts of
Positive action.

Possibility feeling as
Grey as the low fog looks.

Still, I came upon bright spots.
A friend's photos
Showing high branches shimmer-coated in ice.

Remaining scarlet crabapples
Glowing red inside see-through 
Ice casing.

Bright encounters with store employee
Quickly, efficiently directing me to what I wanted.

The postal clerk who happily greets me,
Hand-cancels my international letter.
Wishes me well each week.

Stationary bicycle in windowless room,
Constant exercise resource.

Not exciting, yet available.
Is that a bright spot?
I'll name it as one.

My week has been winter-usual. 
Lots of national tectonic wrenching.
Grateful for routine here.

Hot soup, jigsaw puzzles, reading aloud, 
Bright-spots, whatever color the sky.

Sending wishes for
Brightness in your days.

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"