Granular Gratitude

Wednesday, February 8th, 2023

Are you using the power of Granular Gratitude?

I’m leaning into Gratitude these days.
So many levels where I can have
Gratitude as my go-to filter.

Sometimes it’s pretty basic.
I call it Granular Gratitude.

It’s about having shelter from cold,
Clean, safe water,
Amazing variety of food,
Being loved.

Fifty-five years ago,
We lived in Kabul, Afghanistan.
We boiled our water,
Peeled and cooked all vegetables.

When taking a green salad to friend’s potluck,
That meant carrying in a pan of green Jello!
Tender-tummy Americans were advised,
Don’t eat raw, leafy veg.

My life was good then,
As is my life now.
Just different levels of convenience and vigilance.

At this point, living my life with amazing bounty,
I am particularly noticing 
Health and Love.

Healthy and active, I bike,
Do jig-saw puzzles, laugh,
Speed-walk in my building’s long hallways.

I live with love.
Friends, family, and my spouse—
Love me.

I am Grateful.


When you’ve had a day that seems hateful,
When worries fill more than a plateful,
Acknowledge those woes.
Notice those lows.
And then shift your thinking to “Grateful.”

Leave a comment for me below!

Looking for a cozy sweater.
Puzzle fun; evening focus. 🙂
Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Leslie Schultz - February 8, 2023

Hi Lin,

A great post–and possibly my favorite limerick to date.

Love, Leslie

    Lin Bruce - February 9, 2023

    Thanks so much, Leslie! From a writer like you, that’s a huge compliment!

Daniel Kallman - February 9, 2023

Thanks for all your wonderful posts, Lin. Wowee, you (and Bob?) lived in Afghanistan? Would love to hear more about that.

Seeing your photo with your bike reminds me of the joyful anticipation of getting on mine again, but only once it is time to get off the skis, and hoping to have many more days of that as well – but grateful either way!

Best to you and hub – Dan

    Lin Bruce - February 10, 2023

    Dear Dan–Thanks for your comment! Delighted you are enjoying this wintry season on your skis! I join you in anticipating biking season.
    Yes, Bob and I and our children were in Afghanistan 1966-1968 with Bob employed at the Kabul University Library through a US Dept. of Agriculture program, sponsored at U of Wyo. A long time ago, but it created vivid memories and important connections.

Perrilee - February 10, 2023

GRATEFULNESS – an answer to so many problems. Can you imagine if our government worked with gratitude as the motivator and not greed and self-importance?

That is why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Not anything to do with all the lies about pilgrims and Indians getting along and the Indians welcoming the white invaders.

Sorry for spuing my ungrateful heart towards our government. I do recognize how lucky and grateful I am to have been born in the USA when I was.

It is always great reading your blog.

Thanks, Perrilee

    Lin Bruce - February 10, 2023

    Perrilee, tickled to have you reading and responding from Rwanda! I especially appreciated the article you sent me about the “fastest girl in her village,” young girl biker!

Nancy Wright - February 10, 2023

Lin, I am contacting you through your blog site. This afternoon, I started getting emails from you. After the third one, I realized it was a scam because they posed as you trying to get me to send Amazon gift cards to your granddaughter. When I tried to email you, I was brought back to the message to send gift cards. Just wondering if you have heard from anyone else who was contacted like this through your email. A few years ago, our pastor had someone use her email to try to scam several of her contacts. Just checking in with you…

Nancy 🚴‍♀️

    Lin Bruce - February 15, 2023

    Thank you, Nancy–I’ve been reeling with this–have been twice for help from computer geniuses. I hope it is handled–I so appreciate you reaching out!

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