Lake Michigan Ride—Day 15

Gladstone—Menominee, MI: 61 miles

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Fathers Day!
If you are a father, special honoring to you today.

Unable to access internet tonight
Due to weather conditions.
This post via text to my web person.

Huge storm on way,
Will interfere with biking tomorrow.
Shuttle to be hired to get us
To Green Bay, WI.

Mileage today was 61.
I rode 66.

Got a bit lost.
“Scenic Tour,” I call that!

It got really hot—90 degrees this aft.

Felt like I started day with
“Recommitment” to riding.
Clearing some mental dragging
Made for better day.

“Recommit pedal stroke by pedal stroke,”
(As I say in my talks)—
Helped today.

Hugs to all, 

Break time, can't smile—peanuts in my teeth

Refueling on the shores of Lake Michigan

Lunch after 35 miles. Paige kept set up for last rider: me!

Pretty spot to stop for coffee

Grapevines or kiwis? Something fruity and viney!

An All-American welcome

Green Bay of Lake Michigan behind me and my bike

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"