Hard Can Create Satisfaction

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

Rides that have given great pleasure,
Are memories I’ll always treasure.
The things that I’ll do,
Will challenge me through,
And satisfy me beyond measure.

What challenge is bringing you deep satisfaction?

Because of a class I’ve just completed,
“Your Magnetic Message,” taught by Lindy MacLaine,
I’ve been thinking …

Her premise is that
When a speaker is aware of her interior “landscape,”
She is more able to present what is most magnetic:
Her real, vulnerable, authentic journey.

What came to mind for me?
My early long-distance bike rides.

My goodness, those were challenging,
Yet, so satisfying!

Miles of pedaling,
Learning about left-hand turns on a bike.
Figuring out how to be patiently patient
Through daily roommate rotation.

Full range of weather events.

From tail-end of hurricane in FL,
With cold, constant rain,
Water soaking clothing adding at least five pounds to each rider—

To grit-laden headwind across Texas.
Dust and grit up our noses, inside our
Every wrinkle of bike clothes,
Clogging bike chains.

We kept biking—kept “at it”—
That’s how you got to the day’s destination.

Hard stretches, effortless portions.
Too cold, too hot.
Lonely times, times of deep camaraderie,
And an ultimate sense of succeeding.

Would I go back and do it again?
If I were “time-transported” back to about 2000?
Oh, yes!

I’ve realized that the deep satisfaction of success
Is related to the difficulty.
Who would have thought?
If I’m looking for deep satisfaction,
I must also look at the depth of challenge.

When I ride that next adventure,
I can regard
Long hills, hard headwinds, challenging miles,
As elements of bike-ride success.
Great shift in perspective!

Will I remember when I’m grinding uphill?
I’ll find out!

Recognizing that sense of “succeeding”
Comes through digging in to
Passion-filled, challenge-filled pursuit.
What a concept!

Lucky me.


Leave a comment for me below!

A Continental Divide. Nearly breathless, “thin” air, at this altitude.
Favorite scene, end of ride day… bike clothes laundry hung to dry.
Lin midst yr 2000 ride. One-day-at-a-time.
This hill pulled everybody off their bikes. Steep!
Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"