Greenhouse Therapy

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023

What’s your reset into calm?

We took an outing for ourselves this week.

Two hours in restorative, warm, green environment,
Melted away some of my icy censure of winter …
Soothed and calmed my “interior landscape”
After jagged experience of my computer being hacked.

In St Paul, MN, the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory,
A large, exquisite housing of
Warmth, gentle moist air, growing greenery, beauty.
Together those provided the perfect combination
For my personal “reset” into calm.

Ferns, palms, flowers, quiet water …

When our four children were small,
On some days when winter was just too confining,
We’d all bundle up and walk three blocks to a greenhouse.
“Hiley’s Greenhouse.”

There in that well-ordered, productive greenhouse,
We’d slowly walk around, up and down the aisles.
Youngest just barely tall enough to see the flats of plants.

We’d walk in the warmth,
Inhaling oxygen-laden air,
Appreciating whatever was growing.

As we left one time,
I thanked the owner for being willing to have
Visitors such as our family come to her greenhouse,
Just to be there.

She said they had lots of young moms
Bring their kids to walk the greenhouse aisles.
“It’s lots cheaper than a therapist,” she said.

I smile as I think of that.
Exactly what it was …
Greenhouse therapy!

That was my experience,
Then and now.




When mired in discouraged feeling,
What new view do I find appealing?
Changing my scene,
To growing and green,
Can move me along toward healing


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Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Sandra Holland - February 22, 2023

Too often we just accept what weather & life comes our way, when the solution is to seek a better way, a better environment. in other words, the path of least resistance. Thank you for reminding me that we need to be seekers & explorers and not be passive observers in our own lives.

As always, you are an inspiration in so many ways.

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