Good Fortune Friday the 13th

My Wishes For You On My Birthday

Friday, March 13, 2020

Hello dear friends,

Friday the 13th has been filled, for me,
With lovely good fortune.
I’m sending the same on to you.

It’s my birthday!
Eighty-one years, Friday, March 13, 2020.

Today, 21 years ago, I began my first
“Next Big Thing.”
Riding coast to coast, CA to FL.

Is it time for your Next Big Thing?

Today reminds me:
There are days of feeling swamped,
Days of feeling alone,
Days of not being able to figure out next step,
Days when hills seem too steep,
Days of preferring to stand by road
Eating peanut butter sandwiches.

Getting to my 81st birthday lets me know,
"Keeping on keeping on,”
No matter what,
Reliably moves me along my road.

I would not want to miss the journey.

So dear friend, let's stick with moving on.
Living these days withe gentle gratitude.

Sending Love, Sending Hugs,

P.S. So grateful for the help
I'm getting from
Bike builder par excellence Mike Pofahl
For greater riding comfort adaptation!

P.P.S. My gift to you: 
A worksheet for deciding on
Your Next Big Thing,

"Six Questions For Clarity":
to download, click here

New seat post from excellent bike builder Mike Pofahl. I am thrilled!

First outdoor ride, unseasonal 50 degrees in March!

Complimentary creme brulee!

Birthday girl and youngest son, Scott

With bike builder Mike Pofahl

81st birthday celebration dinner out with Bob

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Deanna - March 15, 2020

Happy Birthday Lin!!! You are an inspiration to many!!

Cheryl - March 15, 2020

Happy birthday! You are always an inspiration

Shari - March 15, 2020

Dear Lin,

This is my first year actually missing your birthday if only in my mind~hate that it happened! However, your posting shows me you are ever looking forward ( and most lovely, I might add) to another productive year. Thank you for including me in on your positive postings-you go, girl! Love, shari

    Lin Bruce - March 15, 2020

    Thank you, Shari! It’s never too late for Happy Birthday! I receive your love and good wishes with gratitude. Hugs!

Alan Johnson - March 16, 2020

Dear Lin, You have caught up with me. Eighty-one–whew! What an amazing adventure you have created during the past twenty-one. As we move into unprecedented territory in the world, please keep moving in fresh air and open spaces to inspire us and give us hope for a happier future. Wishing you a happy and healthy 81st from the windy plains of Wyoming. Alan

    Lin Bruce - March 31, 2020

    Alan, I apologize for getting to this belatedly–thank you so much for the lovely wishes! I send them back to you in spades! Hugs, Lin

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