Cross Training

Hiking While Bike is Tuned

Friday, July 15, 2016

Yesterday my bike was cleaned and tuned.
So shiny, ready to ride,
It is stashed in Elizabeth William's Laramie kitchen,
Which used to be Bob's parents' home.

We will meet there Saturday, July 16, morning to load
For trip to Sheridan, WY for
Check-in time with 348 other riders.

When getting bike to shop, Pedal House,
My bike computer missing. Oh no!
Located, smashed by some car tire,
I remembered taking it off bike,
Reaching for pocket.
Missed, I guess.

Now I have a RED odometer.
It will show up in some picture.
Midst all other functions,
It will register calories burned.
Hmmmmm, new info.
Will I care?

Today Bob and I walked in forest.
I learned that this "cross-training" effort
Harder than biking.
Something to know for other times

.We'll pack clothes and"Potions and Lotions".
Friend Sandy told me long ago,
"The potions and lotions are what take the space."
She is usually right.

Car trip to Sheridan will be beautiful.
That's where I'll put my attention for tomorrow.

All well.
Nervous and okay.

Hugs to each,

The biking adventure continues,
And frequent transcription to bring news.
While thinking of you,
I'll pedal on through,
Past pine trees and sagebrush and fine views.

Bruce cabin

Laramie bike shop: great service!

Lin cross training

Bob on the trail

Joint selfie!

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Beverly Collier - July 16, 2016

You are looking happy and healthy for your cross training! It will be interesting for you to tell us about what equipment you use while biking.
Love hearing from you!

Peggy Prowe - July 16, 2016

Good luck with the tour Lin. I just returned from a week in Lake cabins with my five grandchildren and various family members. It was really fun.

Maggie - July 18, 2016

Loving your guys’ selfies!! Love!

    Lin Bruce - July 19, 2016

    Thanks to you! 🙂 Grateful for your savvy and patience with techno-challenged grandparents. xox

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