Creative Tweaks To Keep At It

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

On hot days when riding seems frightful,
To be out, is less than delightful.
Explore a new way,
Engage in your day.
Make all of your choices “insightful.”

How do you “tweak” things so you can keep at it?

Really hot days don’t enthuse me for bike riding.
Since it is optional right now,
I have a choice for my recreation.
Unlike someone who works
Putting new shingles on roofs
During scorching heat!

Still, I know that riding regularly is
An important “mental health” activity for me.

Cooler early morning hours
For short rides.
Longer rides on shaded trails.
These are options that work.

My dear friend, Niki, told me
Shade makes things eleven degrees cooler.
I’m sure she was right.

Maybe the thing to notice here
Is Keep at it.

Your creative ways to shift things a bit—
Change the time,
Shorten the length,
Slow the pace,
Vary the route …
Let you keep doing what retains your
Total health — physical, mental, spiritual.

That’s important.
Worth your creative tweaks,
Whatever the weather.


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"