
Category Archives for "The Joy of Riding"

Weather Moods

How is weather affecting your mood?
Oh my, this warm week unlocked
Eager-to-be-outside joy!
I saw it everywhere I saw people.
Happy to be out, “doing.”

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Satisfaction of completion

Excited to share that I have biked one thousand miles outside this season! I tend to operate best
With small, incremental markers getting me to where or what I’m moving toward. Is that true for you, too?

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Almost Rest Day

Unexpected find today: St. James, MN, Town with many biking trails
Wonderful discovery! After yesterday’s riding intensity, Today has been low-key, Pleasant.

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Half-Way Point

Today’s ride crossed Missouri River.
Approaching one of tributary valleys, Swooping, 8% grade downhill. Fast downhill NOT my favorite. Descended at record SLOW speed. Hooray for excellent disc brakes.

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