What Are You “Eyeing” As Possibility?

Drumroll —Excitement!!!
I have signed up for a summer bike trip!

August 2 – 26, I’ll ride in New York State.
“Empire State Bike Tour” with BAA Co.

I fly into Burlington, VT.
Home from Syracuse, NY.

Soon I’ll send you itinerary,
Answer your questions.
Ask me those at  lin@yesithinkican.com

For now, I want to share:
I am going.
I am very excited!

Prompts me to ride outside,
Even as we bounce between seasons.
Wearing many layers, heading into wind,
I’m determined to get “in shape”.

Rides, timing, length, 
Fit around what’s required & possible,
Soon will become ‘The Required’.
Bottom line is to keep 
COMMITMENT in place.

Knowing there is possibility
Adds zest to life.

Your own “zesty” possibility?
Totally yours!
My rides are a metaphor for you.

Your lush garden, your completed quilt,
Your stellar photographs, your book of poetry,
Your visits with friends,
All Life ZEST!

Dream, reach farther.
Stretch for ways to keep life in your days.
Doesn’t matter when you start,
It matters that you begin.


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"