Wishbone Wish

What is your "Wishbone Wish?"

Wednesday, December 2, 2020.

Hello My Friend,

One-year after his hip break,
Bob roasted a turkey for our Thanksgiving meal.
How well he has healed.

First time in years
I've rescued the turkey "wishbone.”
One of best things from meal is,
Broth from turkey carcass bones.

There it was—Wishbone,
Inviting me to wish.

Have you given thought to that?
What your wish is now?
It makes me stop and think.

Many directions a wish could go,
Especially this year.
Big Wishes for whole world,
Health, sustainability, fairness, respect.
All important and needing
Many Wishbone Wishes!

Thinking led me to innumerable items
Making my life positive,
Without my even thinking about or
Wishing for them.

Those basics that keep me going.
My wise teacher / guru,
Laura Gisborne, names noting those basics,
"Granular Gratitude.”
Great name!
Important concept.

I'm holding tight to that.

Biking outside one day this week.
Mild day and smooth roads,
Let me ride the "next mile" and the "next.”
Truly a joy at any time.
'Tis a bonus holiday ride now.

Hugs to you.
May your "wishbone" thinking,
Be a match for you.

Thanks for reading / being with me.

What's your wishbone wish?
Share it in your comment, below!

Bob with his turkey masterpiece

View down Cannon River from Dundas Bridge

Moon over MN fields

Riding home into massive moon

What's your wish?

Our Gratitude Day feast

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Suzanne - December 2, 2020

Love the Wishbone limerick!

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