Varying routine

One Way of Staying Upbeat

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Hello My Friend,

What are you able to do to vary your routine?

Bob and I took another "loop" drive.
Our three-hour outing,
Started and ended in our own garage.

I'm not an eager driver.
Yet our short ventures,
On low traffic routes
Work for my being chauffeur.
That lets Bob look and look.
He notices lots of detail.

End-point for our loop:
(How can a loop have a point?)
Henderson, MN.

Historic red brick buildings,
Charming and Solid,
Built mid-1800's, from local brickyard,
Still dominate small town.

One of our routes used in years
Of summer family vacations West,
Straight through Henderson.
Arriving --- down steep bluffs.
Departing --- up bluffs on other side.
Would make "quite" a bike ride.

Always now, from the car,
I notice, assess all road shoulders
For biking "comfort.”
Are there rumble bars?
Enough shoulder width for biking?

Sometimes I spot a potential stretch
Could be good biking.
Usually, I've forgotten by time I get home.

Must keep a "log" of discoveries.

Real point of our outing?
Vary our routine.
Lucky to have the option.

Three days outside biking last week,
Unusual weather, biking boon.
My fifty-one-mile total—Fun.

"Topping-off" stored optimism,
Riding while I can.
Noticing that I CAN and have this opportunity.

May you find options
That "fill your bucket,”
Keep you saying,
"I CAN.”

Hugs to you,

Bob and library in Henderson, MN—used to be Episcopal Church.

Current active church in 1800's brick: Henderson, MN

Dundas Water Tower: iconic small town landmark

Latest 500 piece puzzle: "American Spirit"

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"