Spring has sprung

28 mile ride today: ending in Preston, MN

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Hello My Friends,

Suddenly, (it seems sudden,)
Spring has "sprung.”

Biking opportunity has "sprung" also
With a
speaking gig in Winona, MN
at Friendship Center on Wednesday,
And this
spur-of-moment trip to
 Root River trail for biking

Fun talking to audience in Winona!
That's a good gauge on how it went.
If I had a fun presenting,
Likely the audience was engaged.

Honored by people sharing their stories.
Some small world,
Some telling own adventure,
Some needing encouragement,
Some seeking tips for getting started.

All I know how to give is
Focused attention and real interest.
Easy for me to do.

Bob's unexpected, impromptu suggestion
For Root River Tail ride
Works out to be very doable.
Last minute search got us motel rooms,
Even with busy, nearly full lodgings.

Quick swing through and overnight in Viroqua.
Dinner with son David, grandsons River, Ezra.

Today, Bob and I rode sixteen sunshine filled miles together.
Lunch at Estelle's in Harmony.
I rode another twelve miles
Solo to Preston, MN to our motel.

Lots of downhill.
Pretty easy.
Some would use downhill to "burn up" distance.
You know that I don't ride that way.
Brakes engaged, I downhill slowly.

Rounding one curve,
There was BIG tree across trail!
Too low to push bike under,
Too high to hoist it over.

On my knees, and hunching lower,
I scrunched under tree trunk,
Put bike on its side,
Dragged it under trunk and branches.

Back pannier was surface for drag,
So, no frame or mechanism damaged.
Was the sort of task best done with helper.

I was Really Proud!
I took care of it all by myself.

Folks are "out-and-about” this holiday weekend.
Bicycles, kayaks, motorcycles, RV's, skateboards, and walking sticks.
I'm very glad to be out here "doing" too.

Hope your summer start is pleasing you.



The trail was closed off by a big tree.
It seemed such a barr-i-er to me.
I got down so low,
I pulled the bike slow,
Solution to freedom quite easy!

Tree down across trail

Squeezing self and bike under trunk

Past fallen tree, on to next section of trail (riding from Harmony to Preston, MN)

Trailside phlox blooming

Audience at Winona talk

Interaction after the Winona talk. Always satisfying!

Audience members from Onalaska, WI

End of ride from Harmony to Preston, MN

New water bottle—which happens to be color coordinated!

Bob hydrating to "da brim."

Riding at home: Turning around, east side trail

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Naurine - May 27, 2019

What a great use of your retirement. Enjoyed this entry very much.

Judy Anderson - May 29, 2019

You are a incredible woman and friend. Love the stories & pictures.Safe travels.

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