Personal Peace

Wednesday, October 3, 2023

How do you access your personal peace?
My recent speaking gig:
What’s Your Story? —”Peace Edition”
In Hastings, MN
I joined 5 others for their evening program—
Talking about peace on World Peace Day.
Oh, My!
That topic was daunting.
Way too big, complex,
And for me, “soul-crushing”
With the impossible-seeming task
Of drawing differing views together.
Lindy’s gentle suggestion—
Stay with yourself;
Your own story.
As it turned out,
That’s what each speaker did.
Told something of her/his own story.
Something that has brought personal peace.
So varied …
Leading grief groups.
Getting medical help for injured animals.
Leaving an abusive relationship.
Bringing laughter to groups of listeners.
Gardening and digging in the dirt.
Riding a bicycle.
The common message I heard was:
As we each find peace for ourselves,
That is our part of bringing peace to the world.
Heartfelt, profound, individual, powerful,
Personal Peace.
Our gift to the world.


So, what is the story of your peace?
What brings you to viewing a new lease
On how you are true
In those things you do.
What fills up your heart, brings peace-increase?   

Love autumn biking and color
Love autumn biking and color 
Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Linda - October 3, 2023

Thanks for this reminder about the power of personal peace.

Muriel Hachfeld - October 3, 2023

I know your story would encourage peace, Lin!

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