Life Balance

Ramping up my miles

Saturday, June13, 2020

My dear friend,

"Do I do this? Or that?"
"Will I have enough energy to do it all?"

The need for life balance is a reality
For each of us.
How do you embrace your passionate,
Zest-filled activity and still do everything else?

My answer: You don't.
Saying "yes" to your next big thing
Is a commitment that requires
Prioritization, and Tenacity.

You probably won't have the energy to do "it all."
I know I don't.
When I add something, something else has to go.

I've been ramping up my training miles to 30.
The result has been feeling wiped out.
Rest and recovery time is needed:
(I do shorter, easier rides following a long one.)

In time, 30 miles will feel comfortable, and I can stretch
To add even more miles to a day's ride.

I prioritize it because in spite of fatigue,
It is satisfying, fulfilling, joyful.
It allows me more stamina to do what I love.

Life balance requires adapting.
It requires being in conversation
With those in your life:

"Are you willing to do this so I can do that?"

Asking for help nets wonderful results!
If you are honest with yourself,
There is something that can go in favor of
Time pursuing what fills you with joy.

What can you let go of to allow time for joy?


Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"