Connection As Settle-In Salve

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

My "settle-in-salve” is connection,
With folks for whom I feel affection.
Wherever I roam,
My heart feels at home,
With shared time from loving direction.

How do you "settle in" following adventure?

Oof! Settling in post-adventure—
A struggle for me.
I know it happens, still it's hard.

From my list of Five Shifts,
I've learned that "Connecting with Others"
Is critical in my reentry.
There are endless ways these shifts guide
What's current for me.

I'm so glad I have this
Next chapter of adventure.
Which is:
All about connecting with dear ones.

Current task—Rev-up prep for trip West.

To visit Uncle Bill, 92 yrs,
One of my Dad's little brothers.
Now sole holder of endless
Extended-family memories & stories.
Fabulous, fine man.

To visit Karin—Junior High, H.S., Univ WY,
Classmate and dear, close friend.
Maid-of-honor in my wedding 63-yrs-ago,
As I was matron-of-honor for her the next year.

Heart-connected friend, smart student, shared classes.
We would dissect our fetal pigs in a dorm room,
As homework for zoology lab.

Decades of shared memories.

Precious connecting opportunities.

Time together will not seem enough.
Yet each cherished moment,
Somehow expands in the gift of sharing.

May I notice the gift.


Lin and Elizabeth, our niece driving us for our visit!

A picture with Karin and Ron from a visit in 2016.

In front of Billings Public Library with Karin and Ron, 2016.

Bob and Elizabeth outside of Bob's childhood home in WY.

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"