Another Windy Day

46 mile ride: Started from Rushville, Nebraska
Elevation: 3740

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Bob and I rode out together this morning—
Out of Rushville. Nice to do that
Seldom do we start day riding together.

For 5 miles we biked on Hwy 20, E->W across Nebraska.
Very wide shoulder, safe riding.
At five miles, we turned off highway to adjacent
"Cowboy Trail", under development rail trail,
Wanting to try it out.

Some portions are ready to ride.
Few miles we rode started out great,
Then gravel got thick & "grabbed" tires.
Not yet best way to cross total width of Northern Nebraska.

Someday "Cowboy Trail" will be
THE way to bike Nebraska.
If they hurry, I might do just that!

Bob biked back to motel, got car,
I went east on Hwy 20.

Intended to overnight at Gilbert, NE,
Learned that whole town under
“Water Warning"—unknown contamination.
Testing underway, as yet no results.
Residents, businesses not using water.
Makes all realize how BASIC water is to our lives.
Even gas station was unable to make coffee!

Wind today ... started out okay,
Diagonal—hitting my right hip,
Helpful for a distance.
Shifted some, so that it walloped me from side.

Together my bicycle and I,
Not light-weight combo,
Very able to Hold-the-Course.
Still, down long hills I chanted,
"Stay upright! Stay upright!”
Feeling as though wind could send me sprawling.

Tah Dah!!! (drum roll here) ...

SAG showed up, loaded bike,
Went to totally different road,
Going North!

Wind-assist for last twenty miles.
So Lucky!

It was not fun today when wind
Challenged staying upright.
Had to remind myself,
“This is just one day of the adventure.”

Gets me where I need to be.
Achieving that is satisfying.

Safely tucked into motel for this night of our journey.
All well for me and Super SAG.

Hugs, to each,

**Including few of yesterday's unavailable photos

Trestle Bridge on Cowboy Rail Trail—under construction in Nebraska

Day 2 Ride End-point

Unloading in early morning light.

Newly completed section of Cowboy Trail, outside Rushville, NE

Getting picked up midst of walloping wind

Taking a break from biking—theres more than one way to play!

Post-picnic buddies

Arriving at ride start point. My hair shows how it is windy!

Lin Bruce

Lin McLaughlin Bruce uses stories of her cross-country bicycle adventures post age 60 to inspire and encourage people to reach beyond perceived limitations. In her words, "It's never too late to say 'yes' to bigger things!"

Naurine - September 5, 2019

Wind and water in your news and in world news. We are vulnerable. Thanks, Bob, for helping to make a good finish. 👍😁

Beverly Joder Collier - September 5, 2019

What a ride you have been having! The water issue is very serious–guess you had your own water to tide you through. The wind on this trip–WOW!! Yes, STAY UPRIGHT!!! That is the word of the day!
Love you!

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